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10 Advantages of Dating an Older Man

Just like a fine wine, many men improve with age. The experience they accrue makes them more empathetic and knowledgeable. Getting older gives you many different perspectives on life, including the need to live every day to its fullest.

Older men know exactly what women want and need in the bedroom!

If you’re considering dating older men, you can expect to enjoy new experiences, meet new people and see life from a completely different perspective. If you choose the right older man, there are actually several advantages you can take advantage of.

#1 He Will Probably Get On with Your Parents

Let’s face it: dating older men will involve a relationship with a guy who’s nearer your parents’ age than your own.

They may be able to relate on certain issues, and have lots in common to use as a starting point for their relationship.

#2 You Know He’s Not Wasting Your Time

An older guy will have been around the block more than a few times. He will know what he wants, and more importantly, he will know exactly what he doesn’t want.

He won’t want to waste the time he has left on a relationship that has no future, so you can be fairly sure you’re not wasting your time on developing things.

#3 You Can Learn a Lot

An older guy has already lived a rich and exciting life, filled with different experiences. The knowledge he has acquired will help him to make informed opinions and decisions. Tap into this wealth of knowledge and experience to learn a few things that might improve your own life.

EXPERT TIP: Organise regular date nights and "relationships days" to make sure you are spending time together doing the things that interest you both. Take turns in choosing what you do during this precious time together, and you might just start enjoying your older man's interests as much as you do your own.

#4 You Can Enjoy New Experiences

The chances are the age gap between you both means you enjoy different interests. There will be times when you decide to do things apart, and that’s fine. But it’s important that you invest time in each other’s interests too.

Who knows? You might actually like fell walking or the theatre? And your older guy might get a kick out of hanging out with younger people.

#5 Financial Stability

Dating older men means you can learn a few things about finances and being careful with your money. Older people have often made several mistakes with money in the past — and they have learned from them.

Not only do they know how to manage their finances, they have been able to develop their career and put some money aside for their future. This financial stability should also bring an element of stability to your life.

#6 The Sex is Usually Great

Dating older men means you can tap in on many years of sexual experience. An older guy will probably have learned a few intimate tricks over the years, and there’s a good chance he will know exactly what women want and need in the bedroom. His experience should also mean he pays just as much attention to your sexual needs as his own. The result will be a sex life filled with excitement and new experiences.

#7 He Will Be Living a Relatively Sedate Life

While there’s no reason to believe that your older guy will be obsessed with slippers and hot chocolate, he probably won’t want to be out clubbing until the early hours of the morning. If you’re the right person for him, he’d much rather be enjoying new experiences with you.

#8 He Has His Own Friends

That last thing you probably want from dating older men is a puppy dog who follows you everywhere. It is important that you have time apart from one another, as absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

And older man will have met many people over the years, and there’s a good chance he will have a solid network of friends and acquaintances to fall back on when it’s “guy’s night.” And if he spends time with his own friends, you get to spend time with yours.

#9 He’s More Likely to Appreciate You

An older man has usually loved and lost quite a few times. He has had bad and good experiences with relationships over the years, and that has probably taught him a thing or two about happiness.

Firstly, he will be so over the moon that a younger woman has chosen him, he will want to hold onto you for dear life.

Also, he will know what it’s like to be in a failed relationship, or spending time with someone who doesn’t appreciate him. He’s more likely to know when he’s onto a good thing, so he’ll treat you with love and respect to show his appreciation… and to hold onto you.

#10 He Probably Won’t Be Married to Social Media

Younger guys are often glued to their social media pages throughout the average day — leaving less time to lavish on you.

Your older guy probably missed the social media explosion, which means he won’t be staring at his phone and replying to his friends’ comments when he should be giving you the attention you deserve.

Dating older men is not always easy, but there are some clear advantages that could make your relationship loving, long and respectful.

More Tips on Dating Older Men Successfully

Image sources: Jacob Lund |