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Why older guys want to date younger ladies

If you’re considering dating older men, it’s important to know what you’re getting into from the outset. Yes, you will get things from an older guy you won’t get from someone your own age, but that isn’t always a good thing.

Mature men want to enjoy the first throes of passion with a young woman.

To make sure you are choosing the right older guy for you, it’s important to know what makes mature men seek out younger women for dating. The motives of older men can differ quite dramatically, and exactly what they are could impact your relationship.

EXPERT TIP: Exactly why a man looks for a younger woman is only really important during the early stages of a relationship. What really matters in the long run is that you both have things in common and mutual respect. You also need to be physically attracted to one another. If you have the important things in place, exactly why the older man wanted to date a younger woman won’t matter all that much. If your relationship extends beyond the usual honeymoon period, concentrate less on his motives and more on the things that make you close.

He Wants Children

An older man may believe time is ticking on his chances to become a father. Particularly if your man has no children, this should be something you discuss openly and frankly. It may be the case that his ex is too old to bear children. And if this is the case, your alarm bells should be ringing. Is he only with you in order to have children? Did he leave his last partner because of her inability to give him children?

Men often enjoy having fun with multiple partners during their youth. By the time they are mature enough to want children, their partners are often too old. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with an older man wanting to start a family, but it has to be something you want too.

And most importantly, you must have the solid foundations of a lasting relationship in place before even considering such a huge step. But if your older man prioritises children over your happiness, he probably isn’t the guy for you.

He’s struggling with a mid-life crisis

When men reach a certain age, they often become more conscious about their mortality. They become scared that they haven’t achieved or experienced enough in their lives. As a result, they can behave irresponsibly and impetuously.

They might try to prove their masculinity, and one way they often do this is by finding a younger woman to date. Now, of course, this motive doesn’t always end in disaster. There’s nothing to say a man trying to prove he can still “pull” a hot young woman can’t find the love of his life. But if this is what is motivating the older man in your life, you should proceed with caution.

He’s looking for a less demanding partner

Younger women often have a carefree attitude with life, which comes from the positivity of youth and a lack of life experience. This is often very attractive to older men. However, there’s a fine line between being carefree and simply wanting to have fun at every opportunity.

If your older man chose you to simply have fun with, how do you know he won’t cut and run when the fun inevitably stops? Having fun with one another is an important part of your relationship, but it will never be one of its foundations.

He’s looking for a trophy

Vanity for men is often found within peer groups. If an older man can prove to his friends that he still has what it takes to attract young and sexy women, that will be a source of huge kudos. In some cases, the reason a man wants to date a younger woman is down to proving something — to both himself and his friends.

This means he may be with you for completely the wrong reason, and he’s likely to move onto the next person at any time. Yes, looks are always an important part of an initial attraction, but they should never be the sole basis for a relationship.

He’s looking for an interim relationship

An older man just coming out of a relationship may want some carefree fun before starting anything serious. And what is more fun to an aging man than hanging out with a young woman? But such a relationship is doomed to failure from the beginning.

If you’re after the same thing, that’s fine. But if you want something special and lasting, you should move on. Mature men may enjoy the first throes of passion with a young woman, but they may eventually seek a spiritual connection with someone their own age.

Dating older men isn’t for everyone.

However, it can open up a whole new World of possibilities — if you’ve found the right man for the job!

More Tips on Dating Older Men Successfully

Image sources: bartekwardziak |